Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB)
“The mind is both embodied and relational.”
Dr. Dan Siegel
Interpersonal Neurobiology weaves together science and human connection. Developed by Dr. Daniel Siegel, IPNB explores how our brains, minds, and relationships are interconnected. It’s fascinating to think that our interactions with others—whether nurturing or stressful—literally shape our brains and affect our bodies. Neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to change, is central here.
A simple, effective way to understand how the brain works in IPNB is through Siegel’s hand model of the brain.
The wrist represents the spinal cord
The palm is the brainstem
The thumb folded into the palm represents the limbic system (responsible for emotions and memories)
The fingers folded over the thumb symbolize the prefrontal cortex (involved in higher reasoning, impulse control, and decision-making)